The Equine Expert

Summer is here – how to keep your horses cool during the heat!
By Tanja Schnuderl

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Keeping horses cool during hot weather is essential for their health and well-being. Here are some tips to help you keep your horses comfortable during hot weather:

  1. Provide access to shade: Ensure that your horses have access to shaded areas, such as trees, run-in sheds, or shelters, where they can escape the direct heat of the sun.
  2. Adequate ventilation: Ensure that the stables or barns are well-ventilated to allow for proper air circulation. This can be achieved by opening windows, using fans, or installing proper ventilation systems.
  3. Fresh water supply: Provide a constant supply of fresh, clean water to your horses. Check the water troughs regularly to ensure they are clean and filled. Consider using automatic waterers to ensure a continuous water supply.
  4. Electrolyte supplementation: Horses lose electrolytes through sweating, so consider adding electrolyte supplements to their diet to help maintain proper hydration and electrolyte balance.
  5. Adjust turnout schedules: If possible, turn out your horses during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening, and keep them in shaded areas during the hottest parts of the day.
  6. Proper grooming: Regular grooming helps remove excess hair and dirt, allowing air to circulate over the horse's skin more effectively. Avoid excessive grooming during the hottest parts of the day to prevent raising the horse's body temperature.
  7. Hosing down: Wetting the horse's body with water or hosing them down can provide instant relief from the heat. Focus on areas where major blood vessels are located, such as the neck, belly, and inner thighs.
  8. Mist or spray system: Install a misting or spray system in the horse's turnout area or near their shelter. This can help cool the surrounding air and provide relief from the heat.
  9. Fly protection: Use fly sheets, fly masks, and fly repellents to protect your horses from flies and other insects that can cause irritation and distress, especially during hot weather.
  10. Monitor for signs of heat stress: Keep an eye out for signs of heat stress, such as excessive sweating, rapid breathing, lethargy, or inappetence. If you notice any of these signs, take immediate action to cool down the horse and seek veterinary assistance if necessary.

Remember, every horse is unique, and their tolerance to heat may vary. It's important to pay attention to their individual needs and make adjustments accordingly to ensure their comfort and well-being during hot weather.

Tanja Schnuderl is the Director of International Services with The Equine Expert LLC, a multi-discipline equine expert witness and consulting firm with expert equestrians offering legal expert witness and consulting services in court cases and legal matters. Tanja is an expert on Barn Management and Horse Behavior. She was the barn manager at several boarding facilities and a private training facility of a local FEI Dressage rider before taking over as Director of The South Carolina Equine Park, an established multi-discipline equine facility which hosts about 30 horse competitions each year. She has established her own equine appraisal company, Sigma Equine LLC. Tanja grew up in Germany and was a paralegal for many years.  For more information on Tanja Schnuderl email,


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