The Equine Expert


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US Equestrian Announces Combinations for 2020 FEI Driving World Championship for Singles

Lexington, Ky. &ndash US Equestrian has announced the horse-and-athlete combinations who will compete at the 2020 FEI Driving Wor ... read more.

A horse was neglected by its owner. Now the horse is suing.

Animal rights lawyers contend that the horse, named Justice, should be a legal plaintiff. ESTACADA, Ore. &mdash Justice is an 8-year-old ... read more.


If the Stud’s a Dud and Other Horse Tales: Mediation of Equine Law Disputes May Be Your Best Bet

If you are involved in the equine industry in Florida, then you have much for which to be grateful. Florida is arguably the most horse-friendly sta ... read more.


State Equine Liability Statutes Pack Lots of Horsepower: A Survey of Recent Cases

As a large and economically diverse industry, the United States equine industry contributes significantly to the Ameri ... read more.

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